Watch to Learn

Food video

Humans are particularly adept at learning from experience. When we see how something is done, it is much, much easier for us to do it. And more likely that we will. Recipe videos are a excellent example of our monkey see, monkey do nature.
Food videos and recipe videos have the potential for widespread appeal and popularity. Everybody eats after all. While I do not know of many cooking videos that have gone viral, food is a social and cultural glue. What we grow up watching our family cook is often what we are interested in cooking. For anyone with a big family, meals may be the only time, if any, of the day that everyone comes together. Teaching people to be more comfortable in the kitchen, and even more adventurous, is particularly powerful when linked to the human need for connection…and food.
At a certain point, food is delicious simply because we need it. Watching a video recipe primes our entire bodies for the satisfaction of this basic need we all share. Each step becomes more tangible when we see it. The conclusion of a completed dish, the reward, is imagined before it is realized. We share the excitement we see when the process concludes and are more likely to crack an egg ourselves.
Just because we need to eat does not mean that the cooking process has to be boring. Learning how to make a well rounded dinner can be made more exciting with a recipes video. We get to share the excitement of cooking and then share the hopefully delicious results.

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